About us

The society was formed in 1926 in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, and became an incorporated association in 1978. It seeks to promote the hobby of model engineering in all its facets.

The Melbourne Society of Model & Experimental Engineers (M.S.M.E.E.) meets approximately 10km from the Melbourne CBD at the A.M.R.A. Hall, 92 Wills Street, Glen Iris, Victoria, every second Friday in the month. Meetings start at 8.00 p.m. Visitors are welcome to come along.

Members usually arrive before the start of business to borrow books from the club’s extensive library, buy tools or materials from the trade tables or catch up and have a chat with friends.

With around 100 active members the meetings are informal with the minimum of business discussion – it is preferable to get into the real fun stuff of discussing model engineering and related topics.

The main item of the evening is often an interesting talk by a member or guest speaker. This is followed by a question and answer session about models or workshop items members have brought in (show and tell!).

There are a few evenings set aside for special events like the annual auction (July), exhibition night (December) and the obligatory Annual General Meeting (September).  Please note that you do have to be a member to participate in the auction.

The society is sometimes known as ‘the model engineering club without a track’. This reflects the diverse skills and interests of the members and makes it truly a ‘model and experimental’ engineering society.